What is sober living?

Sober living provides a residential aspect to the recovery journey, offering individuals a supportive environment to continue their path towards sobriety. Participants reside together in a single family home within regular neighborhoods, enjoying the freedom to come and go within set curfew hours. This shared living fosters mutual accountability, as like-minded individuals strive for the common goal of finding balance between life and recovery. Homes are drug-free and alcohol-free, overseen by a house manager who ensures compliance with rules and oversees household activities.

What should I bring?

  • Positive attitude
  • Clothes
  • Food
  • Medications (kept in a lockbox at all times)
  • Personal care items (shampoo, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
  • Consider bringing a shower caddy for convenience
  • Laundry detergent
  • Electronics and charging cables
  • Books

What should I NOT bring?

  • Negative attitude
  • Drugs, including non-prescribed medications
  • Drug paraphernalia
  • Alcohol in any consumable form
  • Medications containing alcohol
  • Large furniture without pre-approval
  • Weapons, including knives and blades
  • Firearms (not permitted on any Project Basecamp premises)

Are background checks required before moving in?

Yes, thorough background checks are conducted for all prospective participants, ensuring community safety. Individuals with violent offenses are assessed on a case-by-case basis, while sex offenders are not accepted.

Is inpatient treatment or detox required before moving in?

No, inpatient treatment or detox is not mandatory. However, a minimum of 30 days of sobriety is preferred, with exceptions considered on a case-by-case basis.

How long can I stay?

Participants are encouraged to stay for at least 9 months up to 24 months, with evidence suggesting longer stays contribute to more successful long-term recovery.

What happens if I can't afford to pay on time?

Timely payment of community fees is mandatory, with fines imposed for late payments. Delinquent payments may result in immediate eviction.

Does Project Basecamp accept insurance?

No, we do not accept insurance.

What happens if I relapse or slip up?

Following a relapse, a 3-day detox program is required before re-entry into the home.

Do you accept Medically Assisted Treatment (MAT)?

We do allow suboxone and methadone; however, all medications must remain in a lockbox at all times.

Can I bring my prescribed medications?

Yes, you can bring any prescribed medications, except medical cannabis, benzodiazepines (Ativan, Xanax, Valium, etc), or opioid analgesics (Tramadol, Hydrocodone, Oxycodone, etc).

Can I come and go as I please?

Yes. While we encourage participants to engage in activities outside the home during the daytime, we do enforce a strict curfew for all members.

Can I spend a night away from the house? What about holidays or vacations?

Once orientation is completed and employment secured, overnight stays away from the house require an approved pass.

Can I have guests?

Guests are allowed only upon approval by Project Basecamp staff. Overnight stays are strictly prohibited. 

Can I bring my car?

Yes, you must provide proof of vehicle insurance, registration, and a valid driver's license.

Are animals allowed?

No. Pets, emotional support animals, therapy animals, and service animals are not permitted. However, visits from housebroken animals are welcome but cannot stay overnight.

For any unanswered questions, please contact us, and we'll respond promptly.

Ready to take the first step?

Begin your journey towards a new life by completing our application today.

Together, let's embark on your journey towards lasting recovery.

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